Now I never claim to be a photographer, nor do I make any claims about my eye for photography. However, of the shots I've taken, these are my favorites. I'll try to explain why under each one. Thanks for humoring me. Most of these are black and whites, because I like seeing the ship in a way that makes me think it's still in service.
This is not all that artistic, but it was the one time I got a chance to see the view from air defense.
I like the light here, because it hides some of the imperfections and looks like some of the historical photos I like.
I got the curator to let me into his gun pit. It's the restored stbd side gun in turret 3. No plexiglass to screw up the shot!
I like the angle here, because it makes the shells look as big as they feel when you stand next to them.
I admit, I'm not sure why I like this picture. Something about the distortion of the shape of the conn view port.
I like the 20mm guns in the foreground with the superstructure in the background. A bit like the chihuahua sidekick for the pitbull.
This is plain, I know. However, the everyday shots of the ship are great for me because it makes me think of the guys that worked in these everyday spaces.